front house landscaping ideas

20 Beautiful Front House Landscaping Ideas

Here are the best twenty front house landscaping ideas for you. Choose the one you like the most and support your budget.

All the ideas are low maintenance so you do not have to spend too much time maintaining them.

Along the way, I will recommend you my choice and how to decorate them in the yard. So pay close attention. So here we go.

1. Decorate Your Front Yard with Artificial Grass

artificial grass house
ProGreenGrassCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Get some artificial grass, and lay it over the yard. The best and lowest maintenance ideas I can give you.

2. Build a Small Garden on the Front Lawn

front house garden
California Native Plant on Flickr

If you do like heavy garden designs then this one is for you. Decorate your lawn with different types of plants and flowers.

3. Design the Front Yard with Boulders

landscaping with big boulders
Linda on Flickr

Get some big boulders and just leave it as it is in the yard. You will see time on time the grass will start to cover it up. Then it will look marvelous.

4. Separate Your Plants with Gravel

front house garden ideas
I, Maveric149CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Lay gravel to separate your garden. Build a pathway with it. I think the walkway is the best use of gravel in this design.

5. Give Your Front Yard a Desert Look

desert look
tdlucas5000 on Flickr

Plant cactus and other desert plants in the lawn and add some dryness with sand to make this design.

6. Use Brown Mulch to Build this Design

decorate with brown mulch
Rachel Kramer on Flickr

Build a hillside design with brown mulch. Just add a single layer and it will do the job perfectly.

7. Plant Colorful Flowers

house flower

Decorate your front yard with flowers in pots or in a big tub. Just pace them at the door.

8. Decorate with Banana Plants

banana plant

I love banana plants, and if you also love then set them up at the front door it will create a calm design in the yard.

9. Build a Design with Black Mulch

black mulch 1
Justin Snow on Flickr

Add mulch in the front yard and plant some flowers to make this design. Easy!

10. Cover the Front House with Flowers

front garden
HARTLEPOOLMARINA2014CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

If you do not want any weeds, mud, or clutter then this potted front house landscaping design is for you. Go for it.

11. Decorate with Hanging Flowers

hang flowers

Hang climbing plants in the front patio and it will glow from far away.

12. Decorate with Big Trees

decorate with big trees

Plant some big trees in the yard and let it shade your home.

13. Mix Gravel with Mulch

gravel landscaping

Add mulch and gravel to build this design. Occasionally trim the plants. That is it.

14. Edge the Walkway with Flowers

edge with flowers

15. Decorate with Red Mulch

red mulch 1
Robin Zebrowski on Flickr

Add red mulch on the borderline to build this design.

16. Build a Water Fountain

water fountain
Infrogmation of New OrleansCC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Set up a simple water fountain to catch more eyes in the yard and make them appreciate your work.

17. Plant a Big Colorful Tree

colorful tree
Lee Coursey on Flickr

Just plant a colorful tree like this one and it will become a tourist spot.

18. Decorate with Rocks and Mulch

decorate with Rocks
jongorey on Flickr

Add black mulch and big rocks to make this design.

19. Add More Greenery with this Design

green yard
Tom Britt on Flickr

Plant anything you want in the yard, just make sure it adds more greenery to the area.

20. Plant Flowers on Pots

flowers on pot

Last Words

So these are the best front house landscaping ideas for you. Choose the one that you like the most and fits your house beautifully. Do not overdo any of the designs. Just set them up as it is. Good luck!

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About Author

Nazim Ali

Nazim Ali is an engineer who loves fixing things at home. He loves to try new things and share the knowledge with the world.