Privacy landscaping ideas 2

17 Strong Privacy Landscaping Ideas

These are the best and budget-friendly privacy landscaping ideas that you can build or get for your yard to enjoy some private time with your loved ones.

I have chosen a few wooden fences, a few arborvate designs, shrubs, and a few other plant-based privacy screen designs.

Choose the one that you feel will fit in your backyard or even the front yard keeping your budget in check. So here we go.

1. Plant Some Tall Arborvitaes

plant some tall arborvitaes
Jeff Sandquist on Flickr

This idea is obvious and you may have also thought of it.

The arborvitaes or this kind of trelies have been used for 1000s of years as privacy screens in the backyard as they offer some low maintenance opportunities.

They look green, and tall and give the view of a closed forest where no one can see you.

But growing them will take time. So be ready mentally if you like this privacy design.

2. Go with a Wooden Fence

get a wooden fence
Field Outdoor Spaces on Flickr

I know, I know, it will cost much more than the plant-based privacy idea.

But for complete security, you should go for it especially if you have a pest problem in the yard like mice, snakes, moles, raccoons, and rabbits.

By using this fence the chances are very low that they will ever cross it and eat your vegetables or destroy your beautiful yard.

I would say it’s a complete and low-headache privacy idea.

However, you can use some climbing plants to cover the wooden areas so that it looks like a natural plant-based privacy screen. Okay!

3. Design Your Privacy with Shrubs

just fence it in the yard
wonderlane on Flickr

Yes, this is not a complete privacy landscaping idea but it is on the way. I have only chosen it because it has a wonderful clean and premium design.

It looks like they are very interested in caring about the lawn and maintaining the plants in the yard often.

Just let the shrubs grow a bit and you will see the dog will never be able to play there. Hence my next idea.

4. Get a Line of Shrubs as Privacy

plant some hedge plants around the yard
tmib_seattle on Flickr

When those shrubs grow they will look like it. All you need to do is to maintain it once a month and they will look great.

You can go with any design you want. In a square, circle, or any shape any format they will all fit there. Just do not let them overgrow or they will look too messy in the yard. Okay!

5. Use Plant to Build a Privacy

a simple hedge

It is the simplest idea I can give you. Just plant any green plant you want on the borderline and cut them in a way that creates a privacy fence. You do not need arborviate or shrubs, any plant can do the job.

But the condition is you have to choose a plant that is thick in leaves or the idea will not work as expected.

And as always do not choose it if you have a pest problem in the yard. Choose a fence.

Get it now: Artificial Ivy Privacy Screen for a Quick Solution

6. Get a Bamboo Fence

bamboo fence for pricacy
wonderlane on flickr

Bamboo is an excellent and affordable fence idea that will work as a strong wooden privacy screen.

Just get some bamboo, cut them down to make some small pieces, and rearrange them to make this wall.

You can do it at home or you can hire someone to do it for you. It is easy to build and you do not have to worry about the cost.

7. Set Up a Messy Privacy Screen

get those privacy hedges
Rennett Stowe on Flickr

I know no one wants a messy place, but this design must be messy, or the privacy shurbs will not shine or catch the eyes.

All you need to do is to add some flowers around the shrubs to disturb the greenery all over. You can also add a painted chair to disturb the view.

Or you can just leave it as its way and over time nature will automatically mess things up.

8. Plant These Big Screening Trees

use wires and trees to build your fence
La Citta Vita on Flickr

First, add a wire fence and then plant the trees so that they can not expand and remain under the tight containers of those wires.

What I mean is that you first set up the wires and let the tree ground between them and then you will do the screening when they grow up and cove the yard.

9. Add Shrubs and Arborvitaes

plant some arborvitaes

Who told you to use just one type of design in your yard? You can add as many designs as you like.

You can even create a human using trees, a dog, or even a house. The possibilities are endless in this design.

So let them grow and get your tree cutter to shape them once a week.

10. A Movie Like Shrub Privacy Design

build a vertical privacy garden
Graham Horn / Rhododendron hedge at Lower Farm

You have seen this design in many movies. They built it in the front yard for hide and seek. You can do the same.

But it takes a full-time human to maintain them or they will fall apart and scatter.

It is best for privacy purposes and doing something naughty (you know what I mean).

11. Combine with Black Gravel Stones

Back garden and fence
FlutefluteCC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

12. Let The Plants Cover the Fence

Seaside garden fence
*Susie*/sue/chasetheclouds, London and Hampshire, UKCC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

13. Build a Garden Over a Bicycle

summer lawn fence

14. Set Some Plants and a Sitting Area

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Wonderlane on Flickr

15. Use Lights to Glow the Area Up

night lights garden

16. Edge the Garden with Bricks

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Field Outdoor Spaces on Flickr

17. Just Buy and Install It

privacy garden fence
Field Outdoor Spaces on Flickr

Last Words

So these are the best privacy landscaping ideas with arborviates, shrubs, and fences. Choose the one that you like and fits your yard keeping the pest control problem in mind.

So do not let them sneak in, maintain your privacy.

Follow Me on PINTEREST for More Ideas.
About Author

Nazim Ali

Nazim Ali is an engineer who loves fixing things at home. He loves to try new things and share the knowledge with the world.