septic lid

How to Hide Septic Tank Lids

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Here are the ten best ideas to hide the septic tank lid in your yard without making it noticeable. I mean it will be gone like it was never before.

I know how nasty it can become if it becomes a focal point, especially releasing gas and odor in the area. Do not worry, use these ideas and hide the septic lid beautifully.

1. Use Plants to Hide it

plant flower

Plant around it to make it gone. You can add flowers or any kind of greenery to the area. The main point is that you have to make it look like a part of your landscape design. Not something you are trying to hide.

2. Use Fake Rocks (Recommended)

fake rocks
Cory Doctorow on Flickr

Fake rocks are quite popular in the segment. All you have to do is to buy one fake rock and put it on. People will think that it is a rock unless they come close to it and the septic lid will be gone. Try it, I highly recommend it.

Get it now: Fake Rock to Hide Septic Lid

3. Use Round Shape Stone as Pathways


Why a few round-shaped stones? Because the lid is most probably round, so if you have some round stones as pathways the septic lid will camouflage there and will go unnoticed. A perfect trick.

4. Place a Large Rock Near it

rock garden 1

This time you will use a real large rocks and then plant around it some flowers or any big size plant. I mean combine them so that the lid becomes obsolete in the eye.

5. Build a Small Landscape Design Around it

small landscape design

Add some mulch, get some river rocks, and add some flowers around it to decorate the septic tank lid. This time you will not hide it but decorate it so that you do not think it is a nasty thing.

6. Build a Raised Bed Planter

rasied bed
Mike McCune on Flickr

The raised bed is the best to cover up anything in the yard. Buy a raised bed and build a small vegetable garden over it. The septic lid will be gone.

7. Hide it with Artificial Grass

artificial grass design
ProGreenGrassCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Not just with a raised bed, you can also use artificial grass to camouflage the lid in the yard. Just cut the grass round and place it over the lid. The septic lid will go unnoticed in the yard making it look like a part of the yard unless you come close to it.

8. Hide it with Gravel

Jeremy Levine on Flickr

Gravel is another camouflage idea to hide anything in the yard. Just get some decorative gravel and lay over the area to make a design. The small tiny pebbles will hide the lid for you.

9. Build a Water Featured Over it

water feature
Media Director on Flickr

First, let me tell you that the water feature is permanent and you can not open the lid if you go with it. But it will look awesome and hide the lid beautifully. Only use this idea if you have confidence that in the next 20 years, you do not have to open the lid for cleaning.

10. Border it with a Garden Fence

garden fence

The small-sized garden fence will do it if you build something near it. First, add some mulch, then plant some flowers and the edge of the area with the fence. The lid will go unnoticed.

Last Words

So these are the best ideas to hide the septic lid in your yard. I recommend the fake rock or the gravel or the plants. The decision is up to you. Good luck.

My Recommendations

Hide your septic tank lid with these creative ideas.

Fake Rock for Landscaping (Best Overall)

Green Color Septic Tank Lid (Most Affordable)

Heavy Duty Septic Tank Cover (Premium Quality)

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Nazim Ali

Nazim Ali is an engineer who loves fixing things at home. He loves to try new things and share the knowledge with the world.