florida garden with rocks

27 Easy No Grass Landscaping Ideas

Here are the best no grass landscaping ideas for your front and backyard so that you do not have to spend too much time maintaining them.

All the ideas are easy to set up and require less work to keep them beautiful week after week. Just buy those small pebble rocks and start decorating. So here we go.

1. Decorate with River Rocks

river rock garden
Jeremy Levine on Flickr

You can build this design with river rocks and floor tiles. Just place them on intervals and they will look nice.

2. Build a Riverbed

Botanic garden
AnskyCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

3. Build A Rock Garden

stone garden ideas
Arthaey Angosii on Flickr

4. Repurpose Your Well Pump

landscapign focal point
brewbooks on Flickr

5. Lay Gravel All Around

Botanical Garden rock garden
Stan ShebsCC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

6. Build a Sitting Area

Rock garden with sitting area
Jérémy CoutureCC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

7. Mix Rocks and Plants in the Front Door

front yard garden ideas

8. Add White and Black Stones

stoneand rocks
stonescape on Flickr

9. Mix and Match Mulch and Gravel

mulch and rocks
Jeremy Levine on Flickr

10. Use Red Mulch

red mulch and garden
RBerteig on Flickr

11. Build a Simple Walkway

log hous egarden

12. Use Big Stones to Build those Walkways

sidewalk garden
reader of the pack on Flickr

13. Separate Your Yard with Mulch and Stones

mulch landscaping ideas

14. Build This Japanese Garden

japanese garden ideas
Wildroof on Flickr

15. Build a Backyard Osasis

backyard river bed
Paul Sayer on Flickr

16. Use Big Stones for this

stone garden for yard
Daderot, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

17. Gravel your Side Yard

sideyard ideas
cara fealy choate on Flickr

18. Lay Big Stones as Steps

stone stairway steps 1

19. Gravel Your Walkway

rock garden and gravel
I.Sáček, senior, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

20. Use Black Rocks for Decoration

stone garden 2
Media Director on Flickr

21. Build a Stepway

walkway garden
TANAKA Juuyoh on Pxhere.com

22. Decorate with Flowers

rock garden 2
Zipity11CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

23. Build a Desert Design

desert idea
tdlucas5000 on Flickr

24. Build a Rocky Yard

rock floor wall walkway
Alan Levine on Pxhere.com

25. Gravel All Around

Rock garden yard
Payton Chung from DCA, USACC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

26. Use Big Stones as Sidewalk

walkway for yard

27. Use River Rocks for this Design

rocks gardens
User:MdupontmobileCC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Last Words

These are the best no grass landscaping ideas for your yard. Choose the one that you like the most and serve your yard. Do not aim for too fancy or else you will get exhausted maintaining them. I wish you the best of luck.

Featured image: IconlandscapesolutionsCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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About Author

Nazim Ali

Nazim Ali is an engineer who loves fixing things at home. He loves to try new things and share the knowledge with the world.