outdoor storage shed ideas for backyard

11 Best Storage Shed Ideas

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Here are the best outdoor storage shed ideas for your backyard that will last long. I have listed some wooden, metallic, and cottage-type shed ideas. Choose the one that fits your backyard and your budget.

And if you are thinking that you want a cheap outdoor shed, then sorry my friend, I do not believe that. 

For me, if you spend a bit more and buy a premium quality product, then you will spend less money over the years as you do not have to worry about repair or replacement. (That’s is my motto).

That is why I will not recommend you something cheap that will damage in a few years, but these ideas will last more than decades if you take a little care of them. So now let’s begin.

1. Get a Small Space-Saver Shed with a Strong Roof

small shed cottage
tmib_seattle on Flickr

If you do not want a big shed design in your backyard then this idea may fit you well. It is just a few wooden structures joined together with a shed. You can paint the shed to make it look good.

Choose this one if you need small storage with very little cost to build. You can build it at home. 

Although there are some readymade sheds that are available in the market. I will talk about those in my recommendations later in this article. 

2. Build a Multi-Layer Shed with Multiple Storage

outdoor storage
Fabrice Florin on Flickr

If you need a bigger storage for all of your hardware tools, from lawnmowers to bicycles and other equipment, then this one may suit you well. Just make the area big and create some shelves, and you are done.

You can go with the pre-build shed design or set up your own creative design, or you can copy the shed ideas from the below points and put them on in this design. I leave that to you.

Now we will move to something metallic and tin shed ideas.

3. Buy Small Metalic Storage Sheds

shed house
rubbermaid on Flickr

If you do not have the time to build storage from scratch as it is kind of a headache to build, then you can buy a small metal or tin-built storage that serves the purpose.

Yes, it will not last as long as that wooden structure, but it will do the job for 5 to 6 years if untouched. They cost less and can be moved from one place to another easily.

4. Buy a Big Tin Made Storage

metal storage shed
SteelMaster Buildings on Flickr

If you want tin made but want a bigger storage then this one is for you. You can also use it for car parking, big electrical machines, and wheel parking, or use it as a storage room for your yard maintenance. 

The space is big and can be very useful in the near future if you have a good place in your backyard. You can buy it online. Do not worry, I will recommend the shed.

5. Buy a Small Storage for Your Garden

garden toll shed
grantlairdjr on Flickr

This one is only for small garden maintenance. You can store your water hose, cleaning tools, buckets, and other necessary things that a gardener needs to maintain the garden and keep it beautiful.

You do not need to buy a big storage. A small low cost will do the work. Just put it and place it under a tree and you are done. 

6. Big and Bold Wooden Storage Shed

wooden storage shed
scead on Flickr

You may have seen it in your neighborhood as it is quite popular. You can buy it from the market or can build it at home with a help from professional. 

And please do not paint it as it may disturb the wooden view. Just arrange some wood and make a DIY shed.

7. Build a House Shed

storage shed house

Now some people like colorful things, for them this one is the best. Build the wooden shed, use some mirrors as a window, and then paint it according to your color preference. 

It will work both as a storage room and a place for attention in your yard.

8. Hide the Storage with a Natural Color

old age shed ideas

If you live in a forest area where there are many big trees then this cottage idea may suit you. It is like a real house where kids can play, and you can see it as a garage. 

Yes, it will need a professional to build and will cost good money, but will last the longest in all of my shed ideas. Go for it if you do not mind the budget.

9. Use Plywood to Build the Shed

storages in the backyard
mtneer_man on Flickr

For those who want a bit low-cost shed ideas then the plywood may suit you the best. You can design anything you want with many shelves with it.

Just hire a good carpenter and not try to build it your own, or the wood will break often, and you will have to buy more. Okay!

10. Buy a Moveable Storage Shed

moving storage sheds
gardener41 on Flickr

Just imagine if you can move your storage from one corner to another in your yard! Will not be an amazing thing? If yes, then buy this one.

This shed can be built with metal, tin, or even with plywood. You just have to make sure you can transfer it. 

You can install it somewhere or set it up in a way that helps the shed move. That is it.

11. Build a Simple DIY Shed

wooden storage shed for backyard
anoldent on Flickr

My Recommendation

So here are my final recommendations. Have a good look and choose the one that fits your personality.

Last words

So these are the best outdoor storage shed ideas for your backyard that you can buy or build at home. I would say buy it as it is not an easy task to do. 

But if you know a bit of carpentry work, I encourage you to build your own shed. Good luck.

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Nazim Ali

Nazim Ali is an engineer who loves fixing things at home. He loves to try new things and share the knowledge with the world.