
10 Best Mosquito Repellent Plants

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Here are the best plants that are mosquito repellent for you. You can plant them in your garden or inside the house near the window to repel mosquitoes and their bites and most importantly, have a good night’s sleep without those buzzing mosquito songs.

Be aware if you have a small and dirty pond near your house, Be careful as they may carry diseases.

If that is the case, you have to implement these plants right away or clean the pond today if you want to survive.

Do not be afraid. The chances are very low that they will hit you causing Malaria as those are uncommon. But dengue, I can not guarantee that as it is very common. 

So better you kill all those mosquitoes using a mosquito killer that I will talk about in the next point or plant one of these plants in the garden today for the long term.

Best Plants That Are Mosquito Repellent

Before I give you those plants, here are some mosquito killers that will work faster if you are not getting any peace in the house and those mosquitoes are biting you day and night.

These will reduce their population, and then those plants will repel them slowly. Got it!

  • Burn Citronella Candles in the house. 
  • Get one of those mosquito killer products that release gas.
  • Buy a mosquito lotion to repel mosquitoes from your skin.
  • Put on makeup on the skin (kidding!). But it may work.
  • Clean the house and yard.
  • Do not let water stand by in your yard on the ground or in the bucket. Clean it.
  • Get a mosquito net.

The mosquito net is the best solution and the most cost-efficient one. Get one and thank me later. So here are your plants that are mosquito repellent.

1. Citronella

mosquito killer plant with pots
MokkieCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

My first plant is Citronella as it is the most popular one. Plant it in your garden in a way that covers the whole garden area. That means you need to plant a few of these plants around your garden.

The strong scent that Citronella releases is intolerable for mosquitoes and they will leave the place. And let me tell you, most mosquito repellent products are made from its leaves as they work marvelously.

2. Lavender


Lavender is used inside the house as a pest control plant that has a full capacity to repel mosquitoes. They are purple and look pretty good near a window that can improve the look and feel of your room.

So plant a few lavenders in the house and see the result yourself. You can also plant them in the garden. But one may not be enough. Plant a few more for the best effect. 

3. Peppermint


You may have heard about this one as it is also used as medicine. This mint is super effective in repelling mosquitoes. Just plant them in the garden and twice a week, rub their leaves to increase the smell the plants produce.

You can also use the leaves on your skin by rubbing them to repel mosquitoes. So plant a few of these mint plants around the garden where those mosquitoes are seen often and then you will see they are gone.

4. Rosemary

MargalobCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Rosemary is not just a plant but an herb that is used in products around the world, especially in the hair care industry. It has a strong scent that will repel pests and insects.

Plus they look amazing in the garden because of their light blue and green color. People also use them as landscaping designs that serve both purposes. So this one may be the plant you are looking for. Isn’t it?

5. Marigold


My last plant is marigold. It is yellow in color and shines in the sunlight. You can plant it in the garden, in the doorways and windows that will repel mosquitoes and other insects from your house.

Now I want to give you a few tips for growing and maintaining these plants so that they live long.

6. Basil


Basil is also very popular in repelling all kind of home pests including mosquitos. So get a few pots of Basil and solve this issue.

7. Sage

sage plant
SyrioCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Sage is a sweet-smelling plant that is perfect for the kitchen. Place them near the window and those mosquitoes will not dare to come in.

8. Floss Flower

floos flower
LazaregagnidzeCC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Plant the floss flower on your porch as they grow tall and become colorful. It is more kind of a flower bed design that repeals mosquitoes, but it works.

9. Mint

mint 1

Mint is widely used as medicine and essential oil spray for home pest control. So plant a few mints in your garden and mosquitoes will not roam your home anymore.

10. Catnip

AlishaLHCC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Cats love catnip plants. Place these in your home and no pests will ever disturb you. But know that your cat may eat them all. So keep them out of your pet’s reach.

Tips for Growing and Maintaining Those Plants

  • Select a spot where those mosquitos are often found, like in a moist area, a dark corner place, or an area where you rarely go.
  • Remember this plant needs a good amount of sunlight and well-drained soil to grow faster and live longer.
  • Make sure they get at least 6 hours of sunlight every day and can absorb water easily. Yes, they prefer a bit of moist soil but do not overwater them as that may damage their roots.
  • You can use fertilizer to make them grow faster, but I do not recommend that for obvious reasons.
  • And lastly, make sure they are free from any diseases. Pests will not attack them, but the weather can. So take care of them so that they take care of those mosquitoes.

My Recommendations

Get one of these instant mosquito repellents.

Last Words

So these are the best plants that repel mosquitoes that I recommend you to plan in your garden and inside the house. 

First, use the quick mosquito repellent and then plant these for the long run. You will sleep better. Good luck.

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Mosquito Repelling Plants
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mosquito repellent planter ideas
MokkieCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Mosquito Repellent Plants
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Featured image: Oregon State University on Flickr

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Nazim Ali

Nazim Ali is an engineer who loves fixing things at home. He loves to try new things and share the knowledge with the world.